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Cookies! Also, pizza.

I have no sweet tooth but reading this post, I am suddenly craving palmiers. Are they difficult to bake?

Sylvia Plath--edgy!

I remember you telling me the story of the father and the dashed jar of peanuts, mainly because my cold black heart wept a bit.

I think that today is a savory food baking day. Perhaps a quiche?

The Edge: once edgy, not anymore.

The problem is that to be edgy you need to be something incredibly risky and cool and illegal, but for a good reason (and not for pay). Maybe if you were getting into barfights with Marines in order to cure cancer, or racing motorcycles through the desert while being shot at in order to defeat apartheid.

for a good reason

Or, at least, not for a stupid reason. Which most edgy stuff turns out to be. And yet it has to be self-destructive, too. Being a firefighter is kind of genuinely edgy (though not particularly transgressive, so maybe not).

Normally I favor savory over sweet, too, but the last few weeks have featured a new hankering for the sweet stuff.

Palmiers are rather fussy to make, not that that necessarily stops me with other things. In the end I made a small batch of drop cookies with chopped chocolate and dried cherries (excellent, and charmingly even in size thanks to the new silly dough scoop), and am just about to put a yeasted saffron bread/cake in the oven. We'll see how the latter turns out, since it's cobbled together from several different sources.

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redfox is a small furry animal, but unfortunately not the sweet and adorable kind. she lives in an awfully large house with her black-bearded husband snarkout and marauding child jane.

see also: the hungry tiger

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Things I Cried Over

  • The Great British Sewing Bee.

  • Window washers.

  • Lilo and Stitch. Repeatedly.

  • "No one was with her when she died."

  • Slings and Arrows.
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