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So great.

I can't stop looking at it. I've tried to convince my partner that I should be second in the trend, but I'm afraid I'm on my own for this one.

I want one so badly! But it's not mole over here, so I don't get one. Sigh.

Maybe I can have one reading

"bees" [obverse]

"both ways!" [reverse].



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redfox is a small furry animal, but unfortunately not the sweet and adorable kind. she lives in an awfully large house with her black-bearded husband snarkout and marauding child jane.

see also: the hungry tiger

Dinner reports

More dinners.

Things I Cried Over

  • The Great British Sewing Bee.

  • Window washers.

  • Lilo and Stitch. Repeatedly.

  • "No one was with her when she died."

  • Slings and Arrows.
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