Traditionally I am a big hater of the return to Standard Time, because it is depressing when the sun sets in what becomes more and more the middle of the afternoon, but traditionally I have not had to get up in time to have a relaxing breakfast while also wrestling a small child into her clothing and getting her out the door to preschool, and... actually it is kind of magnificent how much easier it has been to wake up in the mornings this week, so I may be revising my opinion on this matter. Also, Halloween was delayed around here until Sunday on account of Hurricane Sandy, which meant that the time change put the entire window of trick-or-treating after dark, which is how it should be.
—a pause here while I go and vote. Boy, there sure were a lot of judges and things on the ballot, and there sure were a lot of stations to visit in that process. But at last I have my "I Voted" sticker (actually an "I [Ohio as grossly deformed heart] Voting" sticker), which is of course the real point of the whole endeavor—
Anyway, trick-or-treating was pleasantly after dark. I am of the view that Halloween should be dark and thrilling and spooky, with friendly lit houses. If it is a weekday, your parents go to work, and then they come home, and then you have dinner which is pumpkin soup or something, and by then it is good and dark out, and you go, and then you come back and sort all your loot. Or you can have the dinner in between loot sorting and jumping up to give out candy to older kids, that works too and is what we did this year. But either way, it's all about a walk in the dark, and candy. And then more sorting and trading, until eventually your parents say "It's late and it's a school night, so get it together," and you go to bed kind of costume encrusted, the end.
What you do before it gets dark, of course, is take pictures:

One day, Ratty, all this will be yours.

"I pat the bread? I love you, bread."

I was a witch, to go with. I felt that Steve should go as a broom, but I didn't feel it so much that I made him a costume to that effect. Oh well, he was a broom in my heart. Or something. What about you? Any brooms out there?