I got paid! My bank account is now looking almost unwholesomely healthy. You'll be pleased to learn that I immediately responded by purchasing the expensive lipstick I had been contemplating. Then I made some food for the baby, to demonstrate concretely that I could both have lipstick and feed my own child. Well done me.
It turns out that I am the kind of person, at least right now, who really enjoys making tiny baby delicacies. This will probably surprise exactly no one who knows me, since it combines my abiding interests in cooking, geeking out over cooking (as I used to do with bread baking), and avoiding slimy half-eaten purees.
There is no way, obviously, to pass entirely over the fact that infant eating is a messy process, especially if you are also attracted by the difficult to reconcile ideals of letting them feed themselves and of not being a fussy control freak, but I do my best and have been channeling my overly fastidious impulses into cunning little vegetable patties. I may as well enjoy it while I can. You also may be interested to know that organic brown rice ricecakes are for the birds. They are nasty hard things that get sticky and useless in five seconds flat. Their store brand white rice counterparts are more like it.
Meanwhile, Halloween is nigh upon us and so today I was in a position to say, "This bag is filled with koala components." And say it I did. If it comes out at all successfully, I will be sure to post photos, never fear. I suppose we had also better remember to buy a few sacks of candy to dispense to the local small costumed people. I hope there will be plenty of them. It is so disappointing when trick or treating comprises a mere trickle of desultorily dressed youths whose parents are sitting in idling cars nearby.
On the other hand, Halloween is by all reports a thing here, and by "thing" I believe I mean the kind of drunken, fratty revelry that one would prefer to flee town altogether in order to avoid, not unlike St. Patrick's Day in Chicago. Once we accidentally went to Chicago on St. Patrick's Day, and as visitors we didn't even have our own home out of the way of things to escape to. I won't forget that sea of bobbing boozy giant green foam top hats in a hurry.
I'm not entirely sure what the Halloween equivalent of the giant green hat is, but I guess I'll find out.
This photo spread of "Dogs Looking Depressed in Their Halloween Costumes" is a good idea, but ultimately I'm not convinced. None of the dogs looks as glum as the captions claim. By contrast, pretty much almost every photo ever taken of a cat would fit right in at mycathatesyou.com. What this proves about cats and dogs is left as an exercise for the reader.