Our electricity has finally, finally come back on, after almost five full days of powerlessness. It is lovely to have it back. Of course, many lovely vegetables and the like have perished in the apocalypse of the freezer, and now the cupboards are strikingly bare. I cannot quite find it in myself to do anything about that state of affairs just now, but I can revel in the renewed availability of that wonderous machine, the dishwasher. Whoot.
I was not at my best today, your magically inarticulate teacher of literature du jour, and additionally riled by a couple of additional teaching-related aggravations which shall remain nameless. I was also profoundly inarticulate in French class yesterday, all very annoying. I hope that with the introduction of electricity, I may be rendered less of a dolt. That would be keen, but I'm not holding my breath.
I was not at my best today, your magically inarticulate teacher of literature du jour, and additionally riled by a couple of additional teaching-related aggravations which shall remain nameless. I was also profoundly inarticulate in French class yesterday, all very annoying. I hope that with the introduction of electricity, I may be rendered less of a dolt. That would be keen, but I'm not holding my breath.
Oh! oh! When your electricity came back on, it also turned comments on!
That's so WEIRD.
Posted by: claxy | 09/25/2003 at 06:37 AM