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That looks like genmaicha... one of my favorites! (And if it's not, don't mind me, just wishful thinking.) I'm at work now, and while I have tea here, I don't have that. *sigh*

Genmaicha it is indeed. So good.

I think it's "Elevenses", the "ies" being a result of Billy Boyd's Scots accent. Unless you didn't pick the expression up from the LotR film, in which case ignore me.

I just had a mental glitch, I think, since my bushels of English relatives and children's books of the same origin were my original sources, so Billy Boyd's accent didn't particularly contribute -- but I'm certainly quite wrong, in any case. I'll fix it in the post. Thanks!

"Elevenses" never fails to remind me of Paddington Bear. Off to have a spot of tea!

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