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Pickles! Right now as I read this, I am snacking on pickled cucumber from this recipe: http://sunflower-recipes.blogspot.com/2010/04/fresh-cucumber-pickle.html

I tend to make dish-type things, not finger-type things, as snacks: a couple of elements I keep around so I can spoon out a dish of X and top it with Y whenever I feel snacky. Then I get bored with them and move on to some other snacky thing, conveniently usually just as I run out of the current batch.

This week, it's been:

- X = brown rice, Y = almonds glazed with smoked paprika, kosher salt, and a tiiiiiiny bit of sugar.

- X = yogurt, Y = frozen berries (blueberries, and oooooh the very last of last summer's blackberries) macerated in a syrup of lemon juice and reduced triple sec. The macerating turns a pleasantly wholesome dish of yogurt and berries into something luxurious.

Other usual suspects include roasted vegetables, glazed nuts of all kinds, and this crazy-good tofu-based artichoke dip. In winter, I make a balsamic-baked tofu that seems pretty similar to your recipe above, but has the added feature of stinking up the house pretty badly.

I was intrigued by the tofu press you linked to, since we eat a lot of pressed marinated tofu, but I decided our dollhouse kitchen was already too full of tools and toys.

yum! these look awesome! thanks for the fabulous idea - i bet they're a great addition to a potluck.

a little bit of shameless self promotion here, but will you check out my food blog and pass it on if you like it? i'd appreciate the extra traffic. thanks!


I always spent my half an hour to read this webpage's articles all the time along with a mug of coffee.

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