A little note here on something we have been eating regularly that I have no part in preparing whatsoever.
I am sure there are some among you who will hate me at least a little bit when I tell you this, but what S. and I really like to do with chocolate bars is to buy just one and eat it very slowly, over the course of a week or two between the two of us, just doling out a square apiece here and there.
The Vosges Naga bar is excellent for this, but not readily available in our usual shopping circuit, so we often purchase something by Ritter Sport instead. There are many fine flavors of Ritter Sport, but none compares to the Rum Trauben Nuss.
While I am not particularly a fan of rum raisin ice cream, I am passionately dedicated to these Ritter Sport bars of milk chocolate with rum, raisins, and hazelnuts.
I love the smell as you snap off a square: a literally intoxicating mixture of the chocolate, hazelnuts, and LOTS of lovely rum.
The ingredients list indicates that these bars are flavored with a healthy dose of real rum, rather than feeble old rum flavoring. The raisins have an excellent texture (unlike, in my view, what happens to them in rum raisin ice cream) and taste as if they've been soaked in the rum for a week. The hazelnuts crunch nicely and seem to be toasted. The proportion of nuts and raisins to chocolate is quite high.
Come to think of it, Rum Trauben Nuss is sort of like a vastly improved and more slender Chunky bar.
With so much actual booze inside, these seem like the sort of thing you wouldn't be able to find in the US, but here they are, though unfortunately not at Trader Joe's, which offers a smaller selection of less delectable Ritter Sports instead. I think we've found them at World Market and a number of smaller shops with a decent selection of European imports. For example, the Mediterranean shop at Cleveland's West Side Market has them, as does the candy shop on Forbes Avenue in Squirrel Hill, in Pittsburgh. And of course, they are also available online, including from Indian Gift Portal, which I mention because they so accurately describe them as "extremely pleasing." Many other chocolates may be "delectable" or "tasty," but only Rum Trauben Nuss pleases in the extreme. Just so!