1 part elderflower syrup (in everyone's cupboard, no?)
2 parts freshly squeezed lemon juice
2-3 parts vodka
4 parts water
bruised mint leaves
We shall call it Summer Drink. As God is my witness, I'll never go thirsty again.
Posted at 11:12 PM in Drinks, Odds and ends | Permalink
Created in 1867 at St-Pétersbourg by Pavel Michailovitch KOUSMICHOFF, we were one of the GREATEST ANCIENT RUSSIAN TEA FIRM, purveyor by special appointement to the Tzars until the revolution in 1917.Don't you want a cup just as soon as humanly possible?
Established in FRANCE since 1920, we remain THE ONLY GENUINE RUSSIAN TEA FIRM and we carry on as in former times, under the label KUSMI, to offer to fine lovers our different RUSSIAN BLENDS, aromatic and tasty, so considered through the world under the name of RUSSIAN TEAS.
Posted at 10:17 AM in Drinks, Sweets, Tips and tricks | Permalink
Today I uttered the most plaintive sentence in all the world: I am too tired to clean the kitchen and I have to read piles of Marxist theory.
So out to dinner it was! Unfortunately, the Thai place we found in Silver Spring was considerably less than thrilling. Fortunately, as we were driving away, we spied an Ethopian place just around the corner. We will explore further soon.
In other news, I have been partaking heartily of some elderflower saft (Scandinavian juice syrup intended to be diluted with water) we bought at Ikea (!). I am currently wishing I'd bought seven or eight bottles. It was the only really good thing we bought that day. Because I am defective, I generally find water a fairly unthirstquenching drink, and am always in search of drinks that are basically water, but more interesting. So I was happy to find that even in much more dilute proportions than recommended on the bottle, this stuff is very satisfying. The elderflower flavor is subtle and quite delicious and reminds me intensely of somethingorother, I have no idea what. Supposedly it is good for your immune system, too.
And now I want to try some of this organic Elder Flower Drink. "This is the one that started it all. A pleasant surprise is what could best describe the first taste of elder flower. That cool, light and fresh taste with the full summer bouquet. Nearly everyone who tastes Søbogaard for the first time asks where they can get more." You tell 'em!
Posted at 05:47 AM in Bread and pizza, Drinks, Soups and stews | Permalink
Now that it is picnic season, I will soon have the opportunity to make use of some funny little items that I dragged home with me from Italy. The Acciaris introduced us to the existence of wine in little individual-serving boxes. These look just like our juice boxes, and I was so charmed that I bought quite a bunch to bring home. While I was dragging my bags through the airport and in and out of trains across the Eastern seaboard, I was pretty sure I was completely insane to have made them so heavy with something so far from gourmet.
Now, however, I am feeling just as clever as I had hoped: The wine inside is perfectly drinkable (though not, of course, in any way excellent). They cost me only €1.25 for a pack of three. Best of all, for the very reason that we are not supposed to drink alcohol in public places here, no one would ever bother to make juice boxes filled with wine, which means that I can drink them in public, because no one who would care would recognize them for what they are! It will all be very exciting and illicit, in the tamest possible way.
Tonight's dinner was a Madhur Jaffrey recipe, an Iranian baked rice dish. As printed, the recipe calls for (frozen) baby limas, but I substituted (fresh) fava beans and peas since no limas were handy. It came out quite well, although since I'm not a big fan of dill, I should have thought ahead and cut back on the dill and added more fresh mint. Mint's a weed, and since I'm out of rum to make mojitos with (and, frankly, I'm too lazy to make mojitos just for myself), I should take every opportunity to use the mint growing outside our door before it takes over all of the metro DC area. (I also didn't use any Chinese parsley. Is that another name for cilantro?) I was going to fry up some sweet potato rounds, but I felt that I was dirtying enough dishes as it was and skipped it. This was a good recipe -- not quick, but with fairly little active cooking time -- that I'll use again.
Posted at 07:19 AM in Drinks, Grains and rice, Snark wrote it, Vegetables | Permalink